
  • Inhalt

What can we do for ourselves?


Switch off, relax, and move...these are an absolute must!

Can I drink? But of course – two to three litres of still water per day.
What about tea or coffee…or something a little stronger? This is okay, too, as long as it’s in moderation.

Remember to sleep as much as possible as well – preferably on your back or on your side.
And when you wake up in the morning, have a really good stretch like a cat. This will do your entire spine an infinite amount of good.

Or why not simply do what you like doing best? It's relaxing, liberating and fun, and it’s a luxury that everyone can afford now and then – without any therapy.


Schweizerischer Verband für Atlaslogie (SVFA)

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Schweizerischer Verband für Atlaslogie (SVFA)
Herrengasse 1
8856 Tuggen


+41 (0)79 762 24 55


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